Disclosure, Terms & Conditions
I am a UK Registered Dietitian with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and I am a member of the British Dietetic Association (BDA).
I aim to use my scientific knowledge, clinical skills and expertise as a dietitian in an accurate and professionally responsible manner.
Transparency is as important in social media as is ethics in any writing or reporting. I have signed up to RDs4Disclosure UK and have pledged to blog with integrity. This means I am bound by an ethical code of conduct and will not provide false and misleading information.
I never make or support unjustifiable statements relating to particular products (as per HCPC & BDA guidelines) or promote one product over another (as per food industry regulations).
Information on this website is aimed at the adult general public and should not be used as a substitute to personally tailored advice given by your own dietitian, doctor or nurse.
I will always disclose if I have a professional or financial relationship that could appear to influence the content of a blog post. These disclosures will appear at the end of each relevant post. In particular:
Product Reviews. All product reviews on this website and my social media accounts are 100% my own opinion. I will always state whether I purchased it myself, received the product for free to review or received any form of compensation. I would never recommend a product that does not align with my personal and professional beliefs and nutrition philosophy.
Giveaways. Any competitions/giveaways held on this site or my social media accounts are held as a way to interact with readers and provide opportunities to try new products. I do not promote products used within giveaways more than others that are not and will always disclose whether it has been provided free of charge or whether I have purchased the giveaway with my own money. I am very selective about the products which I give away. They will always align with my personal and professional beliefs and nutrition philosophy.
Affiliate Links – Purchases made by clicking on affiliate links within posts may result in myself receiving a small commission at no cost to yourself.
Promo Codes – Promo codes to reduce the price of a product are provided to benefit readers.
Occasionally I am sent samples of products to review. If I like the product, feel it fits within my nutrition philosophy, and will be of benefit to my readers, I will write a review on it. If I do not like a product, I will not review it and will inform the company sending the product my reasons for not reviewing it. Reviews typically include a nutritional assessment based upon my professional knowledge and experience, personal taste, packaging and convenience. To enable the content on this site to remain free affiliate links may be present within posts which will not cost you anything.
Nutrition is an everchanging scientific field that is constantly updating. Archived posts may not always contain the latest and greatest recommendations or information, despite all efforts to update them. Individual nutrition advice should always be obtained from a qualified dietitian.
If a recipe is tagged as ‘vegetarian’ or ‘vegan’ or ‘gluten-free’ it is still your responsibility to check that each ingredient used is indeed vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free.
If you are following a vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free diet, I recommend you follow personal advice provided to you by your doctor, nurse and dietitian.
All of the opinions on this website are my own and are 100% honest.
*The above is adapted from Nics Nutrition and dietianswithoutborders.

When you purchase a nutrition consultation or package you agree to the following terms and conditions
If you sign up, enter a competition or register for upcoming events you are also consenting to subscribe to our newsletter. You are free to unsubscribe at any time
If you are undertaking any measurements such as body composition or weight you will also be required to complete an additional consent form
2.0 FEES
Consultation fees are payable prior to your visit and confirm your booking date and time with 4thdiscipline or Nutricise Ltd. There are a number of payment options and you will be asked for full payment of your chosen package prior to the consultation
2.1 Consultancy fees agreed in advance with corporations or companies will be invoiced and payable within 30 days from completion
2.2 Fees for mileage and travel for home or business visits will be agreed upon in advance. Mileage will be charged per mile as agreed. Travel more than 30 minutes will be charged at £20/15 mins in addition to the agreed mileage costs
2.3 Extra time spent during a consultation or extra work required following a consultation will be charged at £20/15 mins in addition to the consultation fees
Payment can be made by online Stripe payments and direct bank payments
Please note that we operate a policy of using a debt collection company should invoice(s) remain unpaid. These will incur interest of 8% and you will be liable for the full cost of this collection
Initial consultation: approximately 45-60mins (Please note times vary)
Follow up review: approximately 45-55 minutes
4.1 We try to be punctual and reliable with our consultation times
4.2 Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your consultation time
4.3 Should you arrive late the full cost of the appointment is still payable however we will not be able to provide the full appointment duration due to other clients booked in after you
The initial consultation is an assessment based on the information that you provide and a discussion based on your printed diet analysis. We will consider your aims, goals, any intolerances, or medical conditions. The initial consultation forms the basis of our work together
5.1 If you choose a Performance Nutrition consultation (sports) this may include body composition measurements if you select this option. This will be pre-agreed with the clinician prior to your consultation.
The body composition measures will be taken at your initial consultation and this will last the duration of the 1hr visit
5.2 The review consultation builds on the dietary analysis considering your goals, body composition, and aims
5.3 Prior to your initial consultation your dietitian/ performance nutritionist will have taken more than an hour reviewing and analysing your diet; starting to formulate how you will work together. This may include gathering written information, further medical information (if applicable), or recipes for example
5.4 Please note that there is an additional cost for a 'diet plan' outside of what we build together in clinic; please ask if you are unsure. After your initial performance (sports) consultation you will leave with your body composition profile (if applicable and selected) and your diet analysis which will be sent directly to you electronically
5.5 Most clients benefit from a review within 1-2 weeks after the initial consultation to ensure that you are on track and that your needs and questions are addressed. This is followed by approximately 3 further reviews to help optimise your diet. We recognise that everyone is individual and may require fewer or further consultations to support or meet their goals
5.6 Nutrition takes time to change and is rarely changed within 2 sessions. There are some cases however where two sessions will meet your needs but all clients and athletes are individuals. We will always be transparent about how many consultations we feel that you will benefit from and if we feel that you would benefit from other services other than Nutricise Ltd or 4thDiscipline
5.7 Coached athletes will agree to a minimum term of contract for the selected coaching level of 3 months from the first payment date. Coaching will be paid for in advance of the month and will commence before your first coaching session. Dates will vary depending on when you agree to commence your coaching
5.8 Coached athletes will be able to select a different coaching level after 3 months should they wish to have a more intensive approach to coaching or a less intense coaching. Changes to coaching levels must be agreed upon verbally and in writing via email. This will be a minimum of 3 months after the initial coaching level has been agreed upon and commenced. We require a minimum of one billing cycle’s notice to cancel or amend coaching after the initial 3 months contract has come to an end.
We calculate your membership according to your billing cycle. We require one whole month's billing cycle cancellation notice. This means that the following applies. Anywhere in these terms and conditions where we ask you to give notice of one billing month or more if you give notice during a billing cycle, we will treat it as if we received it on the first day of the following billing cycle and the notice period will run from that day. For example, if your invoice is due on the 27th of January and we receive your notice on 23rd January, your notice will start from 27th January. It will run out on 27th February, your coaching fees will end on 27th February and you will pay one more direct debit (on 27th January) after giving notice. The only exception to this is if you give us notice at the beginning of a billing cycle. This means that if we don't receive notice from you up to and including the fourth day of a billing cycle, we will treat it as if we were given notice at the end of the month.
5.9 You agree to the coaching level that you have selected and that the associated call times and interaction with your performance nutritionist or dietitian will be the maximum time that they can spend each week with you. If you select the Elite Pro level of coaching then there will be no interaction outside of your weekly agreed call time. If you select the Elite Pro Plus coaching level then you will select and agree on a call time each week of up to 30 minutes. You will have an agreed amount of contact within business hours 09.00-17.00 GMT Monday - Friday each week. If you are on an agreed bespoke package then please see your individual contract for coaching.
You can cancel a booked consultation within 48hrs. Please call or email. A confirmation call or email will be sent to let you know that we have received your cancellation; if you do not receive an acknowledgment of your cancellation please call
Phone Number: 07746771999 Email: [email protected]
6.1 If an appointment is not canceled by giving 48hrs notice or you miss your consultation you will be charged 50% of the full consultation price
6.2 Whilst we understand that appointments may need to be changed or canceled; if consultations are repeatedly canceled you may be liable for full payment of the appointment as this prevents us from allowing other clients your consultation slot
6.3 If you are a coached athlete and have booked your coaching call via Calendly or with your performance nutritionist or dietitian directly please cancel directly through calendly. Here you can also re-book for a call. Please let us know as soon as possible if you can not make a call. Whilst we aim to provide some flexibility with our call times we may not always be able to provide times for your weekly calls to suit you every week.
We may need to contact another healthcare professional such as a physiotherapist, GP, psychotherapist, psychologist, medical consultant, or surgeon to discuss your case and optimise your care. We will always ask you before contacting your healthcare team. However, if we have concerns about your health and safety or we believe you are at risk to your health we may contact your healthcare team in your best interests without your permission. At all times, we will request your permission first before contacting any healthcare professional.
7.1 You will be asked to sign a consent form to share information with other professionals at your initial visit
We are registered with the Information Officers Commission (IOC). Your medical records are recorded and handled within the guidelines of the data protection act. We only store the data we require for your consultations to support your dietary interventions
8.2 Prior to your initial consultation you will be sent a number of consent forms electronically which will be stored on your medical notes. You will be asked to sign a consent to email contact and text messages for the purpose of consultation reminders, answering your questions, or contacting with requested documents or plans
8.3 Any sensitive information such as dietary reports, analysis or letters will be sent password-protected unless you state and give consent otherwise. Please note that sending information to Nutricise or 4th Discipline via email ([email protected]) such as food diaries, client information, medical letters or blood test results may not always be secure. You may like to send this to us password protected and let us know by phone/ text the password to unlock
8.4 Please also note that any notes sent to us from coaching conversations via email will be saved in your notes on a secure medical notes system (https://www.writeupp.com) and deleted on a regular basis from the email system. When you sign up for coaching you acknowledge that you are accepting the risk that emails may not always be secure. You have the right to opt-out of these services at any time.
Nutricise / 4thDiscipline are looking at other ways to make sharing this information more secure. Please ask if you are uncertain.
Please contact us directly with any feedback about the clinic or your consultations. We welcome your feedback and are always looking for your comments on our website. If you are unhappy with your consultation please let us know at your consultation so that we can rectify the situation.
9.1 You may be asked to complete a short survey which will be sent after your consultation directly from or via a link (https://kajabi.com/) You will be asked for consent before any emails for these purposes are sent to you and you will be able to opt-in to this service
9.2 If you would like to post a comment or testimonial on our website please let us know. We also would love to upload your picture or receive a video testimonial! We may ask you to submit your testimonial via (https://kajabi.com/). By sending a video or written testimonial and picture you consent to this being on a number of different sites including the websites Nutricise, 4thDiscipline, Birmingham Movement Therapy, Medstars, and social media accounts connected to Nutricise Ltd and 4thDiscipline such as Instagram, Facebook, Strava. You will be asked for verbal consent and by sending the information and photo this also confirms consent. You can withdraw that consent at any time and the testimonial will be removed. You can submit a testimonial here: https://www.4thdiscipline.com/feedback-testimonials
Supplement Disclaimer
Please be aware that it is your responsibility to check any supplements have been batch tested for substances on the WADA prohibited list, (a digital list of prohibited substances can be found here https://www.wada-ama.org/en/content/what-is-prohibited). You can check if your product has been batch tested and certified on the Informed-Sport website https://sport.wetestyoutrust.com and NSF Sport website https://www.nsfsport.com.
Refund Policy
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly at: [email protected] and we will be very happy to help. Please let us know if any problems arise as soon as they arise so that we can make the necessary steps to rectify them.
We are confident that if athletes engage in making the best effort to apply all of the strategies discussed in coaching calls they will see positive progress and outcomes.
Thank you for respecting the 4th Discipline Refund Policy
We live for stories from our athletes of how our coaching calls helped them reach new paces, powers, and podium spaces. That is why we do what we do. Even when we know, from working with athletes 1-on-1, that our approach works – we will lose sleep over one negative comment. It is our goal to exceed your expectations and we recognise that nutrition is a highly individualised, complex practice that varies from person to person.
Your peace of mind is important to us. We do want you to feel satisfied when you partner with us AND I’m sure you can understand and respect that we need to have some qualifications in place to prevent the abuse of the refund policy.
As always, I and the 4thDiscipline Team stand in support of your success,
Claire Fudge
Squad Coaching
Participants agree to the full 6-month/ or 3-month contract and agree to pay for the full term of their contract.
Participation Agreement
We encourage participants to attend 9 out of the live 12 lectures.
Live lectures will be recorded and uploaded to the course. Live lectures will not be rescheduled to accommodate participants. Participants accept that if they cannot attend the lectures, recorded lectures are available on the course online.
In the event of an unforeseen technical failure that results in a lecture not being recorded or failing to upload to the course, participants will not receive a bonus lecture.
Access To Course Materials
Course material will be available for 4 weeks after the completion of the course and then will no longer be available to view. Please contact us if you have difficulties accessing the content within this time
Course material will be deleted within 2 months following the end of a course
Late Enrollment
Participants will be allowed to join a squad (group) up to and including session 2. After session 2, no participants will be added to the squad.
Late participants agree they have been informed that they will need to access the lectures and complete the coursework already presented to the group to gain full benefit from the course.
Late participants agree that they are paying for the full 12 lectures and accept that by accessing the coaching course after it has started that they will still pay for the course in full and have full access to the recorded lectures.
Late participants will be put on an accelerated payment plan so that they finish payments at the same time the course ends as if they registered on time.
E.g. Participants joining a 6-month cohort 1-month late will pay the first two months upfront and then continue with the scheduled monthly payments.
Complaints Procedure
If you have any questions or problems, please let us know by contacting our support team directly at: [email protected] and we will be very happy to help.
Please let us know if there are any problems as soon as they arise so that we can make the necessary steps to rectify them.
We are confident that if athletes engage in making the best effort to apply all of the strategies discussed in the squad coaching materials they will see positive progress and outcomes.
Now let’s be fair, optimising your nutrition is not something we can do for you. If you feel that you have not benefited from the coaching contact us as soon as possible before the end of the course.
We live for stories from our athletes of how our squad coaching cohorts helped them reach new paces, powers, and podium spaces. That is why we do what we do. Even when we know, from working with athletes 1-on-1, that our approach works – we will lose sleep over one negative comment. It is our goal to exceed your expectations and we recognise that nutrition is a highly individualised, complex practice that varies from person to person.
Your peace of mind is important to us. We do want you to feel satisfied when you partner with us AND I’m sure you can understand and respect that we need to have some qualifications in place to prevent the abuse of the refund policy.
As always, I and the 4thDiscipline Team stand in support of your success,
Claire Fudge
Optimising you for sport and life